Follow these instructions to build yourself an Incredible House of Cards.

The Incredible House of Cards consist of 17 individual pieces; 12 standing pieces and 5 horizontal pieces. Each piece has 2 different coloured surfaces. 

 To begin, lay out your pieces and decide which colours are going to be facing up. You will need to be consistent  in order to build the house correctly, so choose a ‘top’ colour for your standing pieces and a ‘top’ colour for your horizontal pieces.



First take the two longest pieces of the standing and the smallest piece of the horizontal card and slot them together as shown.



Take the second smallest of the horizontal pieces and place it beneath the first horizontal piece. Remember to keep the same colour facing upwards.



Take the third smallest horizontal piece and place it beneath the previous one.




The fourth smallest horizontal piece and place it beneath the previous one. All of the horizontal pieces should have the same colour facing upwards.




Before you place your final horizontal piece you need to position the ‘locking pieces’. These are the two smallest standing pieces, they resemble single cards. Take these two small standing pieces and position them each in the lowest slots. Take care to make sure that the ‘top’ colour you have chosen for the standing pieces is also facing outward on these two small pieces. 


Take your final horizontal piece, the largest, and slide it over the top of the small ‘locking pieces’ thereby locking them into place.




Now, we move onto the remainder of the standing pieces: Take one of the largest standing pieces and place diagonally. Remember to keep the ‘top’ colour facing outward.



Move diagonally down The Incredible House of Cards by taking the next largest piece and positioning it in the same way.  



Take the next piece and position in the same way.  




Take one of the smallest standing pieces and position in the same way. All of the standing pieces should have the same colour facing outward.




With care, flip the Incredible House of Cards making sure no pieces fall out.




Then, take the smallest remaining standing piece and slot it diagonally into the bottom left of the House of Cards. Again, it is important to make sure that the colour you have chosen as the ‘top’ colour for the standing pieces is facing outwards



Move diagonally upwards across the Incredible House of Cards by slotting the next largest standing piece into place.



Place the next largest standing piece into place.




Place the final standing piece into place.



Your Incredible House of Cards is now ready to stand upright. Well Done!